New Yorkers sometimes get a reputation for being a little rough around the edges. While we all know that some of it might just be stereotypes, one man’s story on Reddit seemed to back it up.

While walking through the city, he stumbled upon a lost phone and, being the good Samaritan he is, tracked down the owner to return it. But instead of being thankful, the owner was rude, even complaining that the man should’ve just left the phone where he found it.

Frustrated by the response, the man decided to get a little revenge. Keep reading to find out what he did next.

The man found a lost phone on the streets of New York and went out of his way to track down the owner

Image credits: Dominyka Proškėnaitė (not the actual image)

Instead of being thankful, the owner rudely complained that he should’ve just left it where it was

Image credits: friends_stock (not the actual image)


Image credits: Easy-F

People responded with similar stories—some grateful, some not

Other users sided with the man, agreeing that he did the right thing


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