These photos perfectly demonstrate the specialties of Japanese life in the 19th century. The pictures were taken by the British photojournalist Felix Beato, who was one of the first to photograph East Asia.

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The women are preparing dinner in the kitchen.

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A young Japanese woman washes her hair.

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Girls play board strategy game “Go”.

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Seller of baskets and brooms.

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Sumoists are preparing for competitions.

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A geisha looks in two mirrors to see if her hair is perfect.

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Elegant Japanese women in the garden.

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A farmer walking home from the fields.

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A mother guards her child’s sleep.

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Geisha slept on special rice pads so as not to spoil their hair.

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The master makes wagasa — Japanese umbrella.

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Musume (temporary wife) in summer clothes. They were provided to foreigners living in Japan.

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Teenage girls from poor families, sold by their own parents to foreigners.

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A geisha plays a traditional three-stringed musical instrument.

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Brave samurai warriors in full uniform.

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Samurai in casual clothes.

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Workers draw water from a well.

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A farmer carrying bales of rice for sale.

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Acrobatic dance of street dancers.

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The fire brigade demonstrates their skills.

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Cherry blossoms in the elite district of Tokyo, Akasaka.

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Shinto priest. Shintoism is a religion in Japan based on the belief in the world of spirits, natural forces and phenomena, and the worship of them.

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Sacred wagon on a busy street.

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Wandering travelers.

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Japanese travelers. At that time, women rarely left the places where they were born.

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Breathtaking views in the mountain village Icao.

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Farmers plant rice.

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Ladies visiting the local sights on a pleasure boat.

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Harvesting at the tea-field in Uzi, Yamashiro.

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Sensō-ji is an ancient Buddhist temple in Asakusa (Tokyo).


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